Download terminal android apk

This one.. like terminal console in LINUX operating sistem.
This is the picture

Seperti terminal yang ada pada LINUX bukan??
Command-nya pun mirip dengan LINUX, jadi bagi yang sudah terbiasa dengan linux mestinya punya senjata yang satu ini di ANDROIDnya.
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Download hiden file android

Hiden Your File Android !!!

Software ini berfungsi untuk menyembunyikan file. Tapi sayangnya cuma menyembunyikan file dari gallery, maksudnya hanya mensamarkan extensi file tersebut.
Berminat ??
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Download Blackberry message BBM for android

Message your Blackberry friends via their Blackberry pins!

All your friends using BBM? Don't worry about it! Messenger for BBM will allow you to send messages to Blackberry pins from the comfort of your Android device!
Create contacts, send messages in a familiar chat interface!
Sync messages across multiple Android devices, just login with the same account and you're good to go!
Android to Blackberry messaging at it's best!

Please check it out
Download > Water

Download WeChat APK for Android

Join our quickly-growing global community of over 200 million users.
WeChat is the complete mobile communication and private social networking app. Free, cross-platform, and full-featured, WeChat is the best way to keep in touch with everyone you care about.
  • Free cross-platform individual and group messaging with text, voice notes, images, videos, location data, and more.
  • Free HD video calls.
  • Secure, locally stored message histories always accessible offline.
  • Private, group-based photo-sharing social network.
  • Incredibly easy friend adding by shaking your phones together, scanning QR codes, syncing with your phone contacts, sharing IDs, or using location-based services.
  • Blazingly fast registration with your phone number.
  • Web WeChat: chat on WeChat from your PC through the browser.
  • Support for 18 languages including English, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Portuguese.

WeChat Open Platform
API allowing third-party apps to share their content through chats or to Moments...

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Download Kakao Talk APK for Android

KakaoTalk uses the internet connection on your phone to send and receive instant messages and group chat easily.

Messages are received like a SMS is treated, the system allows KakaoTalk notifications instantly see the message, even if you have not opened the application. To answer, send your message, just type and add photos, voice notes or videos.

After installing KakaoTalk, you can scan your phone numbers looking for contacts with KakaoTalk installed.

KakaoTalk 3.8.7 APK for Android Download

The service that KakaoTalk offers over data or Wi-Fi connections is great, since Wi-Fi is usually available in most countries, KakaoTalk is the best way to stay in contact with friends back home through voice and text. It is less bloated than Skype and offers a quick interface and function.

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Want play nintendo on your android phone?

"Johnnes" the emulator for play nintendo on your android.

Please download ".nes" extention for the game play.. search the game file on SEARCH ENGINE to much more. or download some game nes in HERE.
So you can play the game with this.. Johnness nintendo emulator.

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Download Smart Screen Off Pro for android

Pada smartphone biasanya terdapat sensor cahaya, biasanya terletak didekat speaker. Aplikasi ini memanfaatkan hardware tersebut.. yaitu mematikan layar / screen off dengan cara menutup(menghalangi) hardware sensor tersebut.
Misalnya.. cukup kita langsung memasukkan handphone ke dalam kantong maka secara otomatis screen akan off, tidak perlu susah-susah harus menekan tombol power lebih dahulu untuk mengunci layar.

Bahkan didalam aplikasi ini terdapat beberapa pengaturan yang bisa kita setting sesuai dengan kemauan kita.. misal kita buat screen on secara otomatis begitu sensor tersebut tidak terhadang sesuatu.

Dengan applikasi ini kita bisa meminimalisir kerusakan yang sering terjadi pada tombol power yang di sebabkan oleh seringnya ditekan untuk screen off maupun screen on.

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Download Root Exlporer for android

Sesuai dengan namanya! Applikasi ini berfungsi sebagai file explorer, namun untuk bisa menggunakannya smartphone kita butuh di ROOT.
Dengan begitu kita bisa memakainya untuk masuk secara full access ke directory Android kita.. layaknya "localdisk (C)" dalam computer kita yang umumnya memakai OS WINDOWS.

Kita bebas memodifikasi sistem atau meng-Hack android kita sendiri. Misal.. hack game atau hack directory sebuah applikasi supaya menjadi full version.
Silahkan anda lakukan sesuka hati anda
NB: gunakanlah secara bijak, apabila ada sesuatu "..." apapun itu di luar tanggung jawab

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Download Calculator For Android

Calculator yang satu ini memiliki rating yang cukup tinggi,Memiliki fasilitas yang lebih lengkap dari pada application calculator lainnya.
Silahkan anda lihat screenshotnya..

Bagaimana ?. Cukup komplit untuk kebutuhan kita ?..
Tidak perlu kita beli kalkulator di toko elektronik dengan bandrol harga Rp.150.000 / 15,0 $
Cukup download disini dengan harga : " 00,0 US$ ".
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Download Touch Blocker for android

Berfungsi sebagai lock the screen and buttons.
Full locker on android.

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Download Cheat Engine for android

Like cheat engine! This application can HACK any game for android
That's Game Killer.

Please Check it out
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Download Smart Tools for android

This Application is MULTI_FUNGTION berisi banyak alat yang kita butuhkan keseharian.

-much more

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